Automate collaboration with Pathways: How to set up a collaborative workflow

“Collaboration in the Pathways is the best it’s ever been. People have been having a lot of success with it,” says Jesse Read, Ansarada Customer Success. “Pathways just encourage people to be collaborative.”

By AnsaradaMon Aug 05 2019

Jesse outlined how collaborative workflows and notifications can be automated to make your deal run as efficiently as possible.
  • Firstly, everyone can work on a Pathway together.  You can use a template in Ansarada, or create your own template. One client, an M&A advisor, told me creating the template alone saved them days on the transaction. That’s because you don’t need to waste time sending an Excel spreadsheet around. Your Ansarada template for the transaction becomes the source of truth. It's always current, always up to date, and in one place.

  • Pathways can be shared, edited and reported on at scale. Team members get notified when documents are uploaded and weekly insights are produced automatically. Clearly see which departments are ahead, and which ones still have work to do.

  • To help people understand what it is they need to do, you can assign people certain areas. They’ll receive an email so they know they are responsible. Even more powerful – the people uploading the information into the room and doing the work will have visibility over who owns information and tasks and be able to reach out to them from Ansarada with questions.

  • You can assign people to review the info on a topic, then once that’s ready for review (all the requirements are ticked and documents are uploaded), it is ready for verification.

  • Those accountable for reviewing information can either verify it or request changes. If they request an update or changes, an email notification will be sent to the person who uploaded that document, explaining why it was rejected and how they can fix it. This automates a lot of the process and drives momentum.

  • You can click on ‘comment’ at the bottom of the screen and put any comment that you have into a topic. You can also tag people with @ - that person will receive an email notification immediately telling them the comment, within the context of the topic. This feature gets everyone together and focused on one thing. You can tag a whole team if you want to, ‘please read this information’ or ‘there’s been a change here’.

  • The commenting system works a bit like Facebook where you can comment directly on the topic to start another thread, or you can reply to it and have a trail and track the entire conversation from end-to-end. “It’s a collaboration zoo,” says Jesse.

To find out how you can set up your Pathway to automate processes, workflow and collaboration on your next transaction or business outcome, ask us for a demo today.