Say goodbye to the due diligence scramble
Don't let the due diligence scramble catch you by surprise or put your deal at risk of failure. See how the Material Information Platform will make you ready.
By ansaradaMon Nov 13 2017Due diligence and dealmaking

Most of us can’t say that we enjoy the due diligence process, but it’s an essential part of any transaction.
When the time comes for your client to go into the data room, every aspect of their business will be carefully scrutinized and evaluated. If a company isn’t ready for this process, unexpected surprises – while seemingly trivial – have the potential to put the whole deal at risk.
In fact, 47% of deals fail due to issues that are surfaced during the due diligence process. And if your client’s deal falls apart, guess who gets the blame? That’s right – you do.
Let’s jump back a bit, to the first few client meetings – before the client is even sure which sort of material event they ought to be preparing for.
You start preparing your client and find yourself losing hours chasing the required information, documentation and data on their business. You’re working identifying gaps and opportunities for your client, but they’re pushing to get the deal moving quickly.
You know you could get a better result for your client if they were more prepared, but they are scrambling to produce the volume of material information required. So how do you break the cycle?
Get ready long before due diligence
The Material Information Platform allows you to assess a client’s readiness for a material event from the beginning – and in about fifteen minutes. A detailed scorecard system determines the risk and opportunities in their business, adding value early in your professional relationship and building trust between you.
Where gaps are identified in your client’s readiness, the Platform’s content library is an essential resource to help them improve key areas of their business. Seeing these gaps helps create an urgency around improving, giving your client good reason to work more closely with you.
See exactly where your client stands
The Platform lets you track and monitor client progress with ease. With real-time insights in a single location, you’ll be able to keep tabs on how things are developing and assess how ready your client is for an unexpected deal or event opportunity – at any given moment. Having a clear picture of how ready your client is for a material event gives you the unique position of being able to actively plan the best next move, rather than waiting for them to decide.
Stay ready for anything
The average business will go through several material events in their lifetime, so why is every deal run like it’s the very first one? It defies all logic.
The Platform allows you to help your clients maintain a state of business readiness, so when it’s time to start due diligence, there won’t be any nasty surprises. Just smooth sailing, every single time.
Get ready once and stay ready forever with the Material Information Platform. Download our advisor’s guide to the Material Information Platform here.