Customer Success
Margot Snoeck, Senior Manager at Deloitte Belgium, champions women in a male-dominated industry while revolutionising Corporate Finance with new efficiencies. Watch her story.
From a client perspective, say you send a message to the client services of Ansarada – they will answer your question in five minutes. It's super user friendly, and that's what you're looking for in a data room.Margot Snoeck, Senior Manager, Corporate Finance Team, Deloitte Belgium
Margot Snoeck is Senior Manager for the Corporate Finance Team at Deloitte Financial Advisory in Belgium, Brussels. She relies on time in the outdoors to bring balance to her busy work life.
“I really love cycling and running. It really clears my head, and it gives me creative ideas when a project is stuck, or there are some difficulties going on, or you don't know how to handle some topics. Behind your desk for more than ten hours, it's lovely to be outside,” says Margot.
Margot has been instrumental in amplifying female voices in the male dominated field.
“In the beginning, I entered at the Big Four in a team where only one other female was in the team and she was partner, so it's quite confronting. As it evolves, you see the benefits of having a woman in the team – because the dominance is real in those teams,” says Margot.
“In Deloitte Belgium, therefore, we initiated the 'women in M&A' initiative, a quarterly event that we launched this year. In the beginning, it was it was a small event, but it’s grown that fast; the last event, we were with more than a hundred in the broader space of M&A.”
It is initiatives like these that have seen Margot make an impact and be recognised for her work. “To become Senior Manager this year in the Deloitte Corporate Finance team, working hard to achieve and to be appreciated by Deloitte and affirm that they support you and everything you do - I think that's a great achievement for me,” she says.
“Five years ago, we were all just doing all our work on paper, on documents. It's just crazy. So, I think the technology has changed rapidly. I think my first deal that I had ever done, it was with Ansarada.”
“So when I log in, I can see all the projects visible. By one click, I can see each project; I can also deep dive in each data room and see what my team has already uploaded or what the client already uploaded. For a manager in corporate finance, this is very useful because everything speaks from itself. Once you have done it one time, you're just on the road for hundreds of other deals,” says Margot.
“Sometimes, a sales rep from another data room tries to convince us, but in the end, Ansarada is the best tool that you can use as an advisor. Also, from a client perspective, say you send a message to the client services of Ansarada – they will answer your question in five minutes. It's super user friendly, and that's what you're looking for in a data room.”