8 ways to streamline & scale acquisition processes with Ansarada

Learn how to get the most out of new enhanced Deal Workflow features - built for the buy-side - across all stages of the deal lifecycle.

By AnsaradaMon Jul 17 2023Mergers and acquisitions, Due diligence and dealmaking, Innovation, Virtual Data Rooms, CEO-CFO, Post-deal integration, Product know how

Acquiring assets requires you to simultaneously manage your deal team, review piles of due diligence information, monitor tasks and progress, and work hard to keep the project on track. Managing all of this in siloes results in chaos. Using different processes and systems means no single source of truth, no audit trail, and major version control issues. All of which leads to a poor experience for the target company.

In today’s unpredictable environment, confidence in information is a necessity. With the pressures of market dynamics and the increasing scope of due diligence, corporate development teams need to bring order to acquisitions and other transactions by centralizing and standardizing their deal pipeline and activity.
A total transaction management platform is the only solution to preventing unforeseen deal risks, allowing you to surface real-time data to inform your daily decisions.
By standardizing your processes on a single platform, with a centralized data source, you are always in an optimized position to reduce risk and seize opportunities. 

Here’s how modern corporate development teams get their deals in order

Newly enhanced Deal Workflow makes acquisitions frictionless from end to end.
Corporate development teams can manage opportunity pipelines, narrow down target lists, execute the deal and manage integration – all from the centralized Deals platform. Here’s how.

1. Import existing templates and processes

Treating each deal as if it is a standalone eats up significant time and costs. The process is manual and repetitive - but this is good news. It means that technology can help you streamline, templatize and scale all your existing work. 
If you use the same templates and request lists for every project that you run, turn this into your benefit. Bulk import your Excel spreadsheets – all your customized document requirements, checklists, and processes – and digitize them in the Workflow space. Once they are in the platform, they can quickly be replicated and re-used for the fastest possible setup of your next transaction.

2. Engage with targets at scale

Send out your pre-populated NDAs and RFI templates at scale using the secure file sharing tool. Track engagement and responses in your Workflow space for full visibility.
The simple system is easy to learn - even for first-time users and less sophisticated targets.

3. Collaborate quickly & securely

Once you’re ready to conduct due diligence with your chosen target, grant their team access to a locked Workflow tab to collaborate securely. Collaborate between internal and external teams using Workflow commenting and notifications, all with a full audit trail. Ask questions, request documentation, provide responses, and track progress from the centralized space.
With the click of a button, your DD checklist in Workflow will be continuously and automatically synced with the data room. Make the entire due diligence process simple and seamless for your target so their experience is a positive one from end to end.

4. Vet targets based on sustainability performance

Assess the sustainability performance of targets with an initial ESG gap analysis and benchmarking exercise. Get more detailed sustainability information from prospects by requesting a Materiality Assessment of their business, where ESG issues will be diagnosed and prioritized in conjunction with their stakeholders. Make sure their values – and actions – align with your own.

5. Negotiate without reliance on emails

Exchange documents back-and-forth securely in the Workflow space so you can collaborate on items like Share Price Agreements with an audit trail and full version control. Get notifications on updates without relying on emails at this critical stage; keep the entire exchange within the room.

6. Close with confidence

Run your closing process completely digitally to ensure all final condition precedents are met and finalize your completion checklist from the centralized space. Avoid crucial delays or missed items by tracking any final updates, modifications, or comments, including who has made them and when. Get more tips on closing the deal here.

7. Digitize all your integration work streams for oversight and control

Post-acquisition and post-merger templates give you a step-by-step framework to follow after your transaction so you can realize valuable synergies - from the same place you executed the deal. Upload your own tried-and-true templates to start using right away, or ask us to provision you with a best-practice template built off the insights of thousands of companies before you. Customize your own post-deal integration template in Workflow to guide you through key functional areas while leveraging all the existing due diligence information.
With everything housed and synced within the platform, templates speed up the acquisition of knowledge, leverage all the information and insights from the due diligence process that lead up to this point, and get the teams aligned on objectives to move forward uniformly.

8. Stay ready for the next opportunity

Keep archive data live, tracked, accessible and up to date, ready to put to work again on your next opportunity. All your process templates, team workflows, documents, information, and reports are there ready to be used and/or moved to a new deal in seconds. While other competitors will delete your information after 90 days, Ansarada will maintain and protect your information in the Cloud. We’ll never delete your data - unless you ask us to. Learn more about Ansarada Always™ here.

Corporate development teams need more than a Data Room

The ability to automate, standardize and scale processes – from selling, to acquiring, to raising capital – means better governance, more agility, and more sustainable growth.
That’s why 88.2% of corporates agree it’s important that their data room technology offers more capabilities across the full deal lifecycle.
Ansarada Deals is a centralized hub that brings together all the essential tools and information you need to streamline relationship management, effortlessly manage workflows and execute seamless deals. Ansarada’s technology is what helps companies like VMware go from LOI to closing in as little as 21 days.
With a reliable single source of truth at your fingertips, you can empower your team to achieve strategic objectives and unlock sustainable growth. Move fast, minimize risk and close more high-value deals.

Total transaction management for the buy-side

Modern corporate development teams combine their expertise with Ansarada’s technology to digitize and automate workflow, centralize activity, and standardize processes across all stages of the deal lifecycle and beyond.
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