From complicated spreadsheets to completed in seconds

Now you can import, standardize and scale all the work you have already done in Excel and put it to work in the Deals space. Automate deal preparation, collaboration and reporting - then if you need to, export it to Excel again in a flash.  

By AnsaradaThu Sep 09 2021Due diligence and dealmaking, Advisors, Innovation, Product know how

Import to Excel
For the better part of three decades, spreadsheets have been the go-to for data entry, analysis and reporting. Professionals across every industry use spreadsheets as part of their daily routine to manage projects and processes. Why? Firstly, because they are familiar – and for years, they have been getting the job done. Secondly, because there aren’t any project management alternatives that have anywhere near the same levels of mass adoption. To work with external teams and clients on a shared system generally requires the use of spreadsheets. 
The challenge with spreadsheets – particularly when it comes to dealmaking – is that they are static documents, prone to duplication and a lack of version control when passed between multiple parties involved. When you’ve spent hours editing V25, only to discover a V26 in existence, it quickly becomes obvious this is not a fit-for-purpose tool.
But who are we to tell you to stop using your favourite tool? You’re familiar with spreadsheets, and you can get the job done fast in that format. 

Now you can transfer all your spreadsheets into the Ansarada Deals platform and get the benefit of smart columns, collaboration tools and a real-time view of the state of play – a single source of truth.

Import from Excel

The latest feature in Ansarada Deals allows you to turbocharge your existing processes; now you can import all your existing work from Excel, your own due diligence checklists, workflows, document requirements and processes seamlessly. 

Import your customized information and harness the power of automated deal preparation and reporting. Collaborate on it, assign tasks to teammates, and visualize real-time information in a checklist or Gantt chart view.

And it couldn’t be easier to import.
  1. Click +Add button, then select 'Import Excel'.
  2. Click 'Browse' and select the Excel file you'd like to import. Make sure your template has clear rows and columns and no merged cells.
  3. Choose which columns to import and assign column types. Click Import!

Export to Excel

If you have senior stakeholders who insist on a spreadsheet, you can just as easily export all the work you’ve done in the Deals space back into an Excel file to share with them. It takes just two clicks, and old faithful is back with all your updated information.
  1. Go to the Actions tab, in the top right corner of the workflow section
  2. Select the tabs you want to export, and click Export.

Standardize to scale

Once your go-to checklists are in the Deals space, they can quickly be replicated and re-used for the fastest possible setup of your next transaction. 

The integration with Excel is a game-changer for junior and senior dealmakers alike, allowing them to benefit from the full suite of automation and collaboration tools in the Deals platform with minimal changes to the way they are used to working. 

Try out the Excel integration now for free - no risk, all reward.