Customer Success

Transforming governance: Meet Alan Sheahan, the catalyst for regulatory excellence at Simply

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial services, staying ahead of regulations while steering a sustainable course is no small feat. This is where Alan Sheahan, Head of Governance at Simply demonstrates his acumen. Watch his story.

Watch Alan's story

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Simply Finance
The Ansarada system manages all of our risks, our controls, our instant management, contracts, documents, registers. We use it for everything – and it's a god send. The regulatory landscape is constantly evolving. The amount of data being requested by the regulator is off the scale. Without structure, there is chaos. Ansarada brings order to chaos.
Alan Sheahan, Head of Governance, Simply Finance


Seamless governance with Ansarada GRC

Not only does Alan Sheahan ensure top-tier governance, but he's also an avid golfer. For him, the golf course is a sanctuary where he refines his strategy and unwinds—qualities that make him a remarkably effective leader.

“I love golf. It definitely helps me relax. I love the social aspect of golf. You meet new people all the time that you haven't met. The nineteenth hole, having a drink, talking about the ones that got away, the putts you never made. That's the thing I really like,” says Alan.

Since its inception in April 2017, Simply has offered an innovative alternative to traditional financial models. Their customer-centric approach, enabled by a stellar sales team, transcends balance sheets and credit ratings to focus on potential and long-term success. With more than 150 industry specialists on board and over 6,400 diverse customers, they've become a force to reckon with in the sectors they serve.

“Simply was formed in 2017 by industry experts in the asset finance and leasing sectors. Our headquarters are here in London where all the operation team are based, but we have feet on the ground across the UK. We have sales offices in Belfast, Glasgow and Liverpool so we can be close to our customers and better serve them.”

Simply has chosen to align itself with Ansarada's all-in-one Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) platform. Alan and his team have been able to formalise and embed a robust GRC framework that is second to none. They have successfully transformed their operation from messy to magic, achieving compliance and integrity with precision.

“We have a team of experienced individuals who come from these sectors we lean to. So they're aware of the pressures our business owners are under. Technology is definitely the area that's changed the most. Boards and committees have always been responsible for managing risk,” says Alan. “But now, governance teams have systems like Ansarada’s that make the management of risk much easier.” 

“I first came across Ansarada when we were looking for replacement for our existing GRC system. The system was fresh, and it was new. And what we really liked was the people that we met. Their enthusiasm was clear for everyone to see. They wanted a best-in-class system. They were happy to work with customers to help achieve that.”

“The Ansarada system has meant that engagement within the business around risk and compliance has gone up another level. People are interested in graphs. They're interested in the reporting and the M.I. that we can provide them. Especially the young members of staff; they are future leaders, and I think they're the people that are going to be pushing technology even further in the future.” 

“The Ansarada system manages all of our risks, our controls… our contracts, documents, registers. We use it for everything – and it's a god send. The regulatory landscape is constantly evolving. The amount of data being requested by the regulator is off the scale. Without structure, there is chaos. Ansarada brings order to chaos.”

Simply was an early adopter of Ansarada's Operational Resilience module, transitioning from risk management to operational resilience. In an industry where unforeseen challenges can be costly, Simply is preparing to turn vulnerabilities into strategic advantages.

In partnership with Ansarada GRC, Simply is setting a new standard for how financial institutions should approach Governance, Risk, and Compliance.


Total transparency. Total confidence.

Get the advantage of greater governance with Ansarada GRC.
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