Gain an advantage with the ultimate oil & gas due diligence checklist
Clearly understand your assets and liabilities, financial records, geological maps, well logs, surveyor notes and more
for seamless
due diligence. Our
oil and gas due diligence checklist will ensure your critical data is structured correcntly, saving you time, cost and risk.
This due diligence checklist for oil and gas transactions covers critical data points like:
- Local infrastructure and communications
- Capital and operating costs
- Environmental and social impact
- Project management and construction
- Employee benefits, payroll, policies and procedures
- IT information
Easily adaptable, this oil and gas due diligence checklist can be reused to suit the needs of any sized
company or transaction.
Get the checklist, then automate it
What if software could do the hard work for you?
Ansarada Deals™ is your total transaction management solution, allowing you to centralize all your deal activity.
Request a demo to learn how you can turn your checklist into an automated process or
try it out for yourself on a free trial.