5 time saving tools trusted by leading dealmakers

Anywhere processes can be made more streamlined and efficient can have a huge impact, which is why we’ve ranked the best time saving tools for advisors.

By AnsaradaTue Sep 24 2019Advisors, Product know how, AI and cloud integrations, Q&A and collaboration

Managing Q&A alone can occupy more than 60% of the time spent on a transaction. Buyers and funders can spend more than 40% of their time chasing requests and documents. Populating and structuring information in legacy rooms takes time. Having run data room software for more than 12 years, we know that minutes, hours, and days add up far too quickly when it really counts.

What if you could take time back while taking control? Here are the five most popular tools dealmakers turn to for a productivity and efficiency edge.

#5: AI Bidder Engagement Score

Another AI-powered time saver is our unique Bidder Engagement Score, which gives you data driven insights that tell you how engaged your bidders are with 97% accuracy by day 7 of a deal. It enables you to prioritize your most engaged bidders, so you can focus your time and energy where it counts (and not waste time elsewhere).

#4: Instant reporting

With reporting and analytics at your fingertips, you get insights immediately. Make stronger decisions based on real data and spend much less time collating and analyzing. (Read this article on firing your analysts from our CEO Sam Riley)

#3: Integrations with popular apps

Integrations with systems like Google Drive, Dropbox and One Drive mean that once your information is synced, it pulls through to the Ansarada platform automatically. Your team can collaborate on the tools they are familiar with – no need to learn or use additional tools – and information is pulled in from all the disparate sources instantly. Documentation from every department is fully synced in a matter of seconds, maintained in one place and kept up-to-date. You can even custom-build API integrations to sync your own programs.

#2: Purpose-built Q&A

Approve and answer questions directly through the Q&A system via email. The assigned participants receive an email notification when a new question or answer has been allocated; they can then answer or approve the question from their own inbox, without logging into the deal room - a game-changer for senior dealmakers.

Bulk Q&A actions streamline the process further by enabling the right people to answer the right questions. Select multiple questions, assign the right disclosure levels, and request input from the subject matter experts using a range of bulk question editing actions.

#1: Pathways

Pathways tie all these other features together for the ultimate efficiency gains. They are automated checklists that guide you to your chosen outcome with all the information required - simply fill it in and watch your progress.
These templatized Pathways are built off the knowledge and insights of more than 35,000+ transactions, and can be customized to suit your own requirements. You’ll know exactly what you need to provide and how far along you are. 
Pathways enable swift collaboration with internal and external teams, and create visibility and accountability of tasks. They push engagement and momentum while eliminating many of the risks associated with human error and lengthy back-and-forth.

You can even import your own Pathway in via Excel spreadsheet to quickly turn it into a functional project. When it’s time to execute a deal or other business outcome, you can instantly create a data room and seamlessly bring across your information in the right structure.

Cut weeks off your deal timetable

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